Thursday, April 7, 2011

the bump update

31 weeks & 1 day 

Blaykleigh is around 19 inches in length, weighs approximately 4lbs and as she continues to grow, her living quarters have become a bit cramped! The last sono I had she was still head down and extremely low which is a prime position for a smooth delivery, hopefully! 

She still moves around all the time, this includes many more movements during the day. Although, they are often not as strong as they used to be but that would once again be due to the tight space that she has to work with. 

Jason and I both get quite the entertainment out of not only feeling her little movements these days but watching them as my stomach moves from side to side. 

I was put on bed rest for preterm labor around 29 weeks and as of now that is where I remain! It looks like I will most likely be kept on bed rest unless the preterm contractions finally come to a halt?! 

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