At this very moment in time, as I write this post you, my precious 'bitty bird are peacefully sleeping on my chest. I am doing all I can to absorb moments like this while you are still little ... while you still fit perfectly on my chest. I love feeling, hearing every breath you take. I love being so close to you that I can smell your sweet scent. I love the look of sleep on your tiny, angelic face. I love the little noises you make as you are far off in dreamland. I love that I have been blessed beyond belief to be living this life with you. Happy nine months precious girl of mine!
At 9 months old, Blaykleigh ...
- weighs an exact 19.0 lbs and is 27 inches in length
- has not two, not three but four adorable pearly whites amongst a mouth full of gums
- suffers from an extreme case of the "don't leave my side or I will scream blood curdling cries until you come get me" and has quite the face to match
- is getting on a better sleep schedule; it only took 9 months but whatev
- serenades the t.v. whenever someone else is on the t.v. singing, rather comical actually
- is pulling up on just about everything possible, won't be long and I think she will be walking
- overall has such a sweet temper, I love when she lays her head on my shoulder -- she wins daddy over each time she lays her sweet little head on top of his shoulder
- had her first nasty cold that has lasted nearly an entire month, my poor baby girl
- loves playing the 'so big' game and daddy even taught her "good for another wildcat ... touchdown" as she holds both arms straight above her head (brainwashed so soon -- I know)
- chases the cats and the dogs around the house, she has mastered the army crawl at quite the exceptional speed I might add
- is the friendliest baby, absolutely loves any kind attention from each person we encounter and is a litter flirt with the men these days ... hope this isn't a glimpse into a boy crazy future for us (yikes!)
- is horrible at staying still for diaper changes, I must always have some sort of distraction ready so that I can get her to stay still for the mere thirty seconds it takes to change a diaper
- love love loves when we sing itsy bitsy spider or when I sing to her bushel and a peck
- makes herself laugh when she shakes her head 'no' ... not sure what that is about
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